Reporter and copywriter

In print

Investigations, court reports, exclusive features and videos in the national press.


About Joseph

Joseph Draper is a journalist from South Wales based in London. He worked his way up to senior reporter at an agency on the south coast where he edited and pitched stories to the national press. Joseph began his career reporting and editing for the Penarth Times, a weekly paper, where he provided trusted news to an isolated community in the pandemic. He is passionate about Ukraine's struggle for freedom and in 2022, just weeks after Russia's full-scale invasion, accompanied an aid convoy to the country where he reported on the refugee crisis at the Polish border. In 2023, he was one of the few British journalists to report on the Armenian exodus from Nagorno-Karabakh. His exclusive report featured in the Byline Times. Joseph has lived in the United States where he studied Middle Eastern and American history.

Contact Joseph

 Please feel free to get in touch